The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) is made up of an expansive network of over 200 local – and state–funded crisis contact centers located across the United States. The crisis counselors at these local crisis centers answer calls, chats, and texts from people in distress that the 988 Lifeline receives daily. The 988 Lifeline’s crisis centers provide the specialized care of a local community with the support of a national network.
The Lifeline’s united network provides at-risk individuals across the country with a single, well-known phone number and name. This unity enables the Lifeline to assure that centers are accredited, provide training for crisis counselors, and disseminate standards and best practices.
Calls to the Lifeline are routed to their closest center based on area code, with the goal of connecting callers to crisis counselors in their own state. Local crisis counselors at crisis centers are familiar with community mental health resources, and can therefore provide referrals to local services.